Soul Alignment 

In order to manifest your dream reality, energy needs to be flowing freely to and through you. You must be in complete, authentic alignment with your mind, body, and soul.

When you allow your soul’s inner wisdom to guide you in every movement, alignment comes naturally. Your desires are clues to the direction your soul wants to go.  Observe what moves you, follow what lights you up, and allow your joy to lead you home.

Alignment for one looks completely different for another. We each have our own inner navigation system (our highest Self), and it’s important to know what it sounds like and how to even turn it on.

Using yoga, meditation, energy healing, nourishment, and practical magic for the mind, I help you align and activate your true essence in becoming the vibrational match to your dreams.

I offer 1:1 guidance towards soul alignment and holistic happiness.

The Pillars

These 6 pillars are my foundation for living a soul-fully aligned, abundant and happy life.


The only way to do anything and it be worth a damn. Definition of Authentic: of undisputed origin; genuine. What genuinely lights you up? Does your outer expression match up to the truth in your soul? When we are authentic in all that we do, we are free. Be true to you.


Is the first key to anything. You can’t change things or grow if you’re not aware of your Self. You have to know where you are in order to get to where you want to go.


Our greatest measure of courage. The courage to expose our soul, risk criticism, face uncertainty, own and share all parts of ourselves, the shadow and the light. Vulnerability is scary AF, but it’s definitely not a weakness rather a noble necessity in living authentically.


Connect to source, to the body, to breath, to others, and everything around you. The law of divine oneness. Everything is connected to everything else. When you understand this, you realize working on your inner world is also working on the outer world.


The root of all suffering is attachment…attachment to expectations, to beliefs, people or things. When you practice non-attachment you learn to let go of thoughts and emotions that cause suffering and allow things to come and go with ease. “Detachment is not that you should own nothing, but that nothing should own you.” – Ali Ibn Abi Talib


Adopt an attitude of gratitude. Quickest way to instant happiness. Live in appreciation for everything. The more you live in the vibration of gratitude, the more you’ll attract that which you are grateful for (law of attraction, power of positivity).